Tips for Parents to Support Their Preschooler’s Learning

a toddler playing with toys

The preschool teachers at The Step by Step School in Hoboken do an amazing job of helping your child learn and grow in every way. However, having support at home helps to reinforce lessons learned at school and helps your child to grow more quickly. Below, we’ll offer some tips for parents on how they can help support their preschooler’s learning. Schedule your tour today!

Foster Independence Early

Preschoolers can do amazing things. However, sometimes parents take over and fall into the habit of doing things for their preschoolers rather than letting them. You can give your preschooler chores to do, and even if it isn’t perfect, just let it be. Let your preschooler pick out their own clothes, dress themselves, and even make themselves their own lunch when possible. This will foster independence and self-sufficiency.

a child playing with playdough

Check In With Your Preschooler’s Teacher

Knowing what your child is learning in school and asking how you can help will go a long way in helping your preschooler learn and grow. Schedule some one-on-one time if need be to ask questions about how your child is doing and to learn about any specific areas that your preschooler should be working on.

Allow For Unstructured Play

There is nothing wrong with being bored. In fact, it is when your preschooler is bored that they will come up with the best ideas and imaginative play. Young children need downtime in order to stretch their creative muscles and to help foster creative learning and thinking for themselves.

Ensure Their Basic Needs Are Met

Basic needs are much more than food, clothing, and shelter — although these are important. Ensuring your child keeps a regular bedtime, is not late for preschool, and feels loved, nurtured, and supported at home helps to support their preschool learning at their early learning center.

a mother feeding her child yogurt

Model a Love of Learning Yourself

When your child sees you actively learning a new skill, your child will learn that learning is fun and is life-long. One thing you definitely want to do is model reading. Your child will see how much you love reading and will pick up on that, too. If you are learning something new, like woodworking, share what you learn with your child, and they will see learning is a great thing after all!


The staff and teachers at The Step by Step School are privileged to teach your children every day. With a top-rated academic program that helps support character development, offers unstructured playtime, and provides social opportunities, your child will be adequately prepared for preschool and beyond. Schedule your tour of our early learning center today.